Don't miss the gingko in Lujia Village

time:11/21/2022 6:14:44 PM

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Today, Xiaobian came to punch in again

No need to travel long distances

Just around Qianwei

The negative oxygen ions are vigorous and beautiful

Don't miss it

Because this place is so beautiful for taking pictures


Huangcunjing, the terminal of Jiayang small train, has a real experience of the mine. After climbing hundreds of meters across the railway track, you come to Lujia Village, the once bustling and peaceful worker settlement.


After the mining of Huangcun Well was completed in the last century, the workers living in Lujia Village moved away one after another. However, in those years, the ginkgo trees planted by the coal miners grew stronger and stronger, which, together with the surrounding old houses and stone steps, became a beautiful landscape on the Bashi Railway.


It presents a leisurely beauty far from the secular world, forming a colorful and colorful natural landscape painting. Tens of thousands of ginkgo trees planted in front of the house and behind the house sprinkle golden yellow on the village against the warm sun.


Some people say that ginkgo is born for autumn

Every time I meet autumn, my heart will give birth to an inexplicable melancholy

I am in a curtain of autumn rain

Read the beauty of knowing autumn from a leaf


Autumn is golden

It's the lazy sunlight and the wind just blowing

The straight ginkgo tree stands neatly behind the farm house,

The sun shines slantingly,

Showing the "half scattered and cool" described by Sanmao

Half bathed in sunshine.


The mottled light and shadow reflected on the branches of ginkgo,

Slowly raise your head,

Look at the golden color of ginkgo and the bright blue sky with white clouds,

The right touch of beauty,

Let people forget nothing but a touch of gold.

Standing on a high place and looking around,

In the sunlight, the leaves are golden,

So strong, so pure, so people linger.


When the tourists enter the ginkgo forest, the thick ginkgo leaves at their feet make a crisp sound, which adds a touch of flexibility to the quiet ginkgo forest.



When the tourists enter the ginkgo forest, the thick ginkgo leaves at their feet make a crisp sound, which adds a touch of flexibility to the quiet ginkgo forest.


When the autumn wind blows, the golden leaves slowly fall with the wind, such as swaying golden butterflies flying in the wind, which also makes Lujia Village a favorite place for many photography enthusiasts. Pick up a piece of ginkgo leaf and look carefully. It hides the charm of autumn.


When the autumn wind blows, the golden leaves slowly fall with the wind, such as swaying golden butterflies flying in the wind, which also makes Lujia Village a favorite place for many photography enthusiasts. Pick up a piece of ginkgo leaf and look carefully. It hides the charm of autumn.


This golden splendor can't be captured with images

Only by going there in person can you feel the beauty of autumn

This weekend

Why don't you punch in and reward gingko in Lujia Village

The warm sun at 28 ° C is just right

After the tour of Lujia Village, the next itinerary is up to you! From Huangcun Well to Bajiao Valley, Jurassic Adventure Valley, to Alsophila Lake, it is very convenient to take a small train!


Lujia Village, where Ginkgo Forest is located, belongs to the surrounding area of the scenic spot and is not within the scope of the scenic spot. This article is just for reference. The mountain road to Lujia Village is steep and rugged, and the road is muddy and slippery in the near future. Tourists who want to go to enjoy ginkgo must pay attention to travel safety.

This golden splendor can't be captured with images

Only by going there in person can you feel the beauty of autumn

This weekend

Why don't you punch in and reward gingko in Lujia Village

The warm sun at 28 ° C is just right

After the tour of Lujia Village, the next itinerary is up to you! From Huangcun Well to Bajiao Valley, Jurassic Adventure Valley, to Alsophila Lake, it is very convenient to take a small train!


Lujia Village, where Ginkgo Forest is located, belongs to the surrounding area of the scenic spot and is not within the scope of the scenic spot. This article is just for reference. The mountain road to Lujia Village is steep and rugged, and the road is muddy and slippery in the near future. Tourists who want to go to enjoy ginkgo must pay attention to travel safety.


