Travel Guide

Huangcun Jing has really experienced the Jiayang train only when he has been here

Four Seasons Floral Train,Sound the whistle and let out steam,Sometimes through the sea of flowers, sometimes a rainbow,Enchant thousands of visitors.Little did we know that,At the end of the Bashi Railway,There is a mine,With her legendary resume and…

Don't miss the gingko in Lujia Village

Today, Xiaobian came to punch in againNo need to travel long distancesJust around QianweiThe negative oxygen ions are vigorous and beautifulDont miss itBecause this place is so beautiful for taking picturesHuangcunjing, the terminal of Jiayang small t…

Colorful colors beside Bashi Railway

On the weekend, the beautiful scenery along the Jiayang train makes people happy. In the warm sunshine and gentle breeze, you can get close contact with the vibrant nature.Along the way, Xu Feng accompanied us in autumn. Duanjiawan is undoubtedly one …

Early Autumn | Walking in Bajiao Valley

The falling leaves in the morning and evening startle the autumnSeptember in early autumnThe smell of summer has not disappearedIn Jiayang Alsophila Lake Scenic AreaFlowers and green grass are still brightIn the 1930s, Jiayang Coal Mine was born in Ba…